Analysis of the chemical composition of organic aerosol at the Mt. Sonnblick observatory using a novel high mass resolution thermal-desorption proton-transfer-reaction mass-spectrometer (hr-TD-PTR-MS)
Journal- or magazine-article
Holzinger, R and Kasper-Giebl, A and Staudinger, M and Schauer, G and Roeckmann, T
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
For the first time a high mass resolution thermal desorption proton transfer reaction mass spectrometer (hr-TD-PTR-MS) was deployed in the field to analyze the composition of the organic fraction of aerosols. We report on measurements from the remote Mt. Sonnblick observatory in the Austrian alps (3108 m a.s.l.) during a 7 week period in summer 2009. A total of 638 mass peaks in the range 18-392 Da were detected and quantified in aerosols. An empirical formula was tentatively attributed to 464 of these compounds by custom-made data analysis routines which consider compounds containing C, H, O, N, and S atoms. Most of the other (unidentified) compounds must contain other elements - most likely halogenated compounds. The mean total concentration of all detected compounds was 1.1 mu g m super(-3). Oxygenated hydrocarbons constitute the bulk of the aerosol mass (75%) followed by organic nitrogen compounds (9%), inorganic compounds (mostly NH sub(3), 8%), unidentified/halogenated (3.8%), hydrocarbons (2.7%), and organic sulfur compounds (0.8%). The measured O/C ratios are lower than expected and suggest a significant effect from charring. A significant part of the organic nitrogen compounds is non volatile. Organic carbon concentrations measured with TD-PTR-MS were about 25% lower than measurements on high volume filter samples.
Sonnblick Observatory ; Sulfur in Aerosols ; Organic Aerosols in Atmosphere ; Atmospheric Chemistry ; Data Analysis ; Austria, Alps Mts. ; Air Pollution (551.510.42)